Socially Distant is an up-coming hacking game following the story of a global ransomware attack disrupting a society forced into cyberspace by the spread of a deadly biological threat to humanity.
This game is made using Ritchie's Toolbox, a defacto custom game engine built on top of a fork of MonoGame. We do not directly use the MonoGame Content Pipeline, instead we use AutoPipeline and some custom MSBuild targets to build the game's content. Most of the time, you shouldn't notice - but if you are adding content to the game, you should never directly interact with or commit the `Content.mgcb` file as it'll be wiped and overwritten by AutoPipeline.
You will need to add the source once for every device you build the game on. You can find the source code for our custom MonoGame fork over [on its GitLab group](
> If you aren't building the game on Windows, you **will** run into build errors during shader compilation. This is because MonoGame currently uses the Direct3D shader compiler for initial shader compilation before transpiling to the target platform. Linux users will need to install Wine and run the `` script in the root of the repository, this will set up a Wine prefix with the necessary setup for shader compilation. For macOS users running Apple Silicon, you're on your own.
Feel free to submit merge requests to the game. If merged, they will be shipped in the next Steam release of Socially Distant. For more info, see the `` and `LICENSE` files in the repo root.
>By contributing to the game, you agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin. You acknowledge that you own or otherwise have the permission to submit your contribution under the same license as the game's source code. To acknowledge the DCO, all commits must be signed off.
-`SociallyDistant`: This is the main game application.
-`SociallyDistant.Framework`: This is the Socially Distant runtime, a library that the game itself and all mods must reference.
-`AcidicGUI`: This is the game's UI system, and the small part of Ritchie's Toolbox that actually exists despite not properly being named. This is subject to be moved to its own repo in the future.
Currently, CI/CD is set up for the Windows and Linux versions of the game. Windows builds are done on AppVeyor, while Linux builds are built locally on Ritchie's workstation.