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synced 2025-01-24 10:02:08 -05:00
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using System;
using ClassicalSharp.GraphicsAPI;
using OpenTK;
namespace ClassicalSharp {
public class WeatherRenderer {
Game game;
Map map;
IGraphicsApi graphics;
BlockInfo info;
public WeatherRenderer( Game game ) {
this.game = game;
map = game.Map;
graphics = game.Graphics;
info = game.BlockInfo;
weatherVb = graphics.CreateDynamicVb( VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b, 12 * 9 * 9 );
int weatherVb;
int rainTexture, snowTexture;
short[] heightmap;
float vOffset;
VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[] vertices = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b[8 * 9 * 9];
public void Render( double deltaTime ) {
Weather weather = map.Weather;
if( weather == Weather.Sunny ) return;
graphics.Texturing = true;
graphics.BindTexture( weather == Weather.Rainy ? rainTexture : snowTexture );
Vector3I pos = Vector3I.Floor( game.LocalPlayer.Position );
float speed = weather == Weather.Rainy ? 1f : 0.25f;
vOffset = -(float)game.accumulator * speed;
int index = 0;
graphics.AlphaBlending = true;
FastColour col = FastColour.White;
for( int dx = -4; dx <= 4; dx++ ) {
for( int dz = -4; dz <= 4; dz++ ) {
int rainY = Math.Max( pos.Y, GetRainHeight( pos.X + dx, pos.Z + dz ) + 1 );
int height = Math.Min( 6 - ( rainY - pos.Y ), 6 );
if( height <= 0 ) continue;
col.A = (byte)Math.Max( 0, AlphaAt( dx * dx + dz * dz ) );
MakeRainForSquare( pos.X + dx, rainY, height, pos.Z + dz, col, ref index );
graphics.BeginVbBatch( VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b );
graphics.DrawDynamicIndexedVb( DrawMode.Triangles, weatherVb, vertices, index, index * 6 / 4 );
graphics.AlphaBlending = false;
graphics.Texturing = false;
float AlphaAt( float x ) {
// Wolfram Alpha: fit {0,178},{1,169},{4,147},{9,114},{16,59},{25,9}
return (float)( 0.05 * x * x - 8 * x + 178 );
void MakeRainForSquare( int x, int y, int height, int z, FastColour col, ref int index ) {
float v1 = vOffset + ( z & 0x01 ) * 0.5f - ( x & 0x0F ) * 0.0625f;
float v2 = height / 6f + v1;
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x, y, z, 0, v2, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x, y + height, z, 0, v1, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x + 1, y + height, z + 1, 2, v1, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x + 1, y, z + 1, 2, v2, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x + 1, y, z, 2, v2, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x + 1, y + height, z, 2, v1, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x, y + height, z + 1, 0, v1, col );
vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b( x, y, z + 1, 0, v2, col );
int length, width, maxY, oneY;
void OnNewMap( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
heightmap = null;
void OnNewMapLoaded( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
length = map.Length;
width = map.Width;
maxY = map.Height - 1;
oneY = length * width;
heightmap = new short[map.Width * map.Length];
for( int i = 0; i < heightmap.Length; i++ ) {
heightmap[i] = short.MaxValue;
public void Init() {
rainTexture = graphics.CreateTexture( "rain.png" );
snowTexture = graphics.CreateTexture( "snow.png" );
game.OnNewMap += OnNewMap;
game.OnNewMapLoaded += OnNewMapLoaded;
public void Dispose() {
game.OnNewMap -= OnNewMap;
game.OnNewMapLoaded -= OnNewMapLoaded;
graphics.DeleteTexture( ref rainTexture );
graphics.DeleteTexture( ref snowTexture );
int GetRainHeight( int x, int z ) {
if( x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= width || z >= length ) return map.WaterHeight - 1;
int index = ( x * length ) + z;
int height = heightmap[index];
return height == short.MaxValue ? CalcHeightAt( x, maxY, z, index ) : height;
int CalcHeightAt( int x, int maxY, int z, int index ) {
int mapIndex = ( maxY * length + z ) * width + x;
for( int y = maxY; y >= 0; y-- ) {
byte block = map.mapData[mapIndex];
if( BlocksRain( block ) ) {
heightmap[index] = (short)y;
return y;
mapIndex -= oneY;
heightmap[index] = -1;
return -1;
bool BlocksRain( byte block ) {
return !( block == 0 || info.IsSprite( block ) || info.IsLiquid( block ) );
internal void UpdateHeight( int x, int y, int z, byte oldBlock, byte newBlock ) {
bool didBlock = BlocksRain( oldBlock );
bool nowBlocks = BlocksRain( newBlock );
if( didBlock == nowBlocks ) return;
int index = ( x * length ) + z;
int height = heightmap[index];
if( height == short.MaxValue ) {
if( map.Weather == Weather.Sunny ) return;
// We have to calculate the entire column for visibility, because the old/new block info is
// useless if there is another block higher than block.y that stops rain.
CalcHeightAt( x, maxY, z, index );
} else if( y >= height ) {
if( nowBlocks ) {
heightmap[index] = (short)y;
} else {
// Part of the column is now visible to rain, we don't know how exactly how high it should be though.
// However, we know that if the old block was above or equal to rain height, then the new rain height must be <= old block.y
CalcHeightAt( x, y, z, index );